
Online Church

Main Sunday Service Online 

Sunday services are all held in church, with the 10am Parish Communion also livestreamed here (and once recorded, stored on this same YouTube channel for you to view later).

Mondays to Saturdays: Morning and Evening Prayer on Zoom

There is a 25-minute service of Morning Prayer every Monday to Friday at 8.30am, and on a Saturday at 9am, via Zoom at this link with password: 014549 - using a phone app called Daily Prayer that provides all the text for the appointed psalm and readings. There is also a similar service of Evening Prayer at 6pm each Monday to Thursday, and on Friday and Saturday at 5pm.

Compline every Thursday evening at 8.30pm on Zoom

In the same way as Morning and Evening Prayer, those who take part will use the Daily Prayer App as we take this opportunity to pray together towards the end of each working week. The link to access Compline can be found on the ChurchSuite calendar (please note that it is different to the Morning and Evening Prayer link), or by following this link.

Regular emailed News Bulletin and monthly Parish Newsletter

Each Friday-fortnight the News Bulletin is emailed out, and the Parish Newsletter is published at the beginning of each month. View all recent copies here, and subscribe here.

Weekly Podcast

'Reflections in Strange Times': the thought-for-the-week podcasts ran over 2020 and into 2021, and are still accessible here.

Home Worship

Resources for worship at home can be found at

Send a prayer request

Prayer Request