Thy Kingdom Come is a global movement that invites all Christians around the world to unify in prayer from Ascension Day to Pentecost. What started as an invitation from the Archbishops of Canterbury and York, has grown into an international and ecumenical call, to which millions respond.

Our Teddington Churches are choosing to mark the 10 special days at a range of services, so why not join in? You can also choose to share a personal prayer in our Thy Kingdom Come Teddington booklet by emailing

Or you can pledge to pray and see your own little dot on the map helping to ‘Light Up the World in Prayer’ at


Thurs 30th May – Ascension Day Communion at SPSP, 9am
Deanery Ascension Day Sung Eucharist, St Mary’s Hampton, 8pm

Sat 1st June – Churches Together Parkrun, Hanworth Airpark, 9am

Sun 2nd June – Taize Family Communion – SPSP, 9.45am

Daily between Mon 3rd-Fri 7th – ‘Prayer at Midday’: a time for led and silent prayer SMwSA, 12noon

Tues 4th June – Bible & Prayer Meeting at St Michaels Fulwell, 7.30pm

Wed 5th June – Holy Communion at SMwSA, 9.30am

Thurs 6th June – Service of Wholeness & Healing, SMwSA, 8pm

Sun 9th June – Hospital Chapel Methodist Service, 4pm Pentecost Choral