Parishioner Sue Lindenberg gives her perspective on Lockdown: "Lockdown has, by virtue of being the consequence of a global pandemic, touched everyone’s life in one way or another. I have been let off quite lightly for which I am very grateful. Mum and I, being of advancing years, have been confined to the house since 16th March.

"We have a comfortable home with a garden. I have been able to get out to Bushy Park at ‘silly’ o’clock every morning, for an hour or so, with my camera and for “exercise”. On entering the park I am transported into a place of beauty and tranquillity, where God’s creation is evident and the seasons unaffected by Covid-19. This sets me up for the day.

"Thanks to technology we have been able to join in with Morning Prayer, Sunday Service, and Zoom coffee mornings thus we have got to know so many more lovely folk from the Church.  I do miss not seeing my two daughters and my son, who all live rather far away. We do 'Face Time', but it is not the same."