This year’s Lent course is 'The Blessed of the Lord', a series of five sessions that combine to offer a Lenten Retreat in Daily Life:

Session One: Living Well

Session Two: Living Openly

Session Three: Living Purposefully

Session Four: Living Lovingly

Session Five: Living Differently


Offered in two ways: within a Home Group (of no more than 8 attending) or as a wider group meeting in the Mina Hogan Room, St Mary's Parish Hall.

The Mina Hogan Room sessions will run at 11.00am on Wednesdays: 12, 19 & 26 March, and 2 & 9 April.

Both the Home Groups and the Mina Hogan Group will use the same material.

Please follow this link to book yourself onto the sessions in the Mina Hogan Room