Local charity, Ruils, are again delivering Christmas parcels to disabled people and their families, as part of their ongoing commitment to enable independent living. And the need this year is greater than last with Ruils expecting to give out around 90 parcels. Essentials are required including tinned veg/meat/fish, pasta/rice, toiletries and treats such as biscuits, chocolate, Christmas crackers and mince pies.

Please bring your donations:

  • to St Mary with St Alban by 10am on Sunday 17 December at the latest.
  • or drop at Ruils, 4 Waldegrave Road, Teddington By Monday 20 by 10am
  • If you prefer to make a donation for Ruils to purchase the items needed, go to https://cafdonate.cafonline.org/24813

Thank you for your support.