The Memory and Community Cafés remain open, year-round:

Looking for home-made cakes, excellent tea & coffee, a warm welcome and good company? Then enter the Community Café, open to all every Monday, 1.30-4.30pm, including Bank Holidays. For all ages out for a chat with friends; children stopping by for a drink & cake from school; those in need of a friendly ear and some company; and people dropping in as they pass by and hear the laughter.

And try the Memory Café, a supportive, safe-space, 1.30-3.00pm, on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of each month, if you are caring for someone with memory loss or struggling with your own. Many find the variety of sing-a-longs, bingo, quizzes and chat relaxing and fun.

Or what about volunteering, to enjoy friendships made over set-up, serving, and filling the dishwasher at the end of a session? There is a baking rota too for the delicious home-made cakes. Any support you can give to either of these worthwhile community activities would be wonderful.

Come along when the Cafés are open to see what it is all about: Peter & Paul Centre, on the corner of Church Road/Broad Street, in the centre of Teddington.

Everyone is welcome: Peter & Paul Centre, Bychurch End. TW11 8PS